Running with the Bulls: Key 2018 Investment Issues for Nonprofit Board Leaders

Posted by Martin Jaugietis on Jan 24, 2018 1:30:00 PM

Every July, adrenaline junkies from around the world converge in Pamplona, Spain for the Fiesta de San Fermin—the highlight of which is the running of the bulls. These controversial and, at times, dangerous races pit the bravery, dexterity, and wits of the runners against the momentum of the crowd...


Topics: investments, Current Events

Managing and Pursuing Your Investment Program's Long-Term Goals

Posted by Lisa Schneider, CFA on Nov 8, 2017 3:04:00 PM

As a board member, you have a difficult job. You need to ensure that your organization has the money, talent, experience, and resources to fund your mission. And you need to do this in an ever-changing market and regulatory environment. Moreover, if your organization relies heavily on your...


Topics: financial oversight, investments

Build it or buy it? Effective investment program oversight

Posted by Angie Santo-Walter on Jun 7, 2017 11:05:48 AM

A few years ago, my family and I moved to a small town, across the country from where we were currently living, and we were having a hard time finding a home that fit our needs and budget. So, we started talking about building. That presented a whole new set of challenges — finding the right...


Topics: financial oversight, investments

What does 2017 have in store for your investment program?

Posted by Rob Balkema on Apr 27, 2017 10:10:48 AM

There’s a famous scene in the Mel Brooks movie Young Frankenstein where Dr. Frederick Frankenstein (played brilliantly by Gene Wilder) realizes that his assistant Igor gave him “Abby Normal’s” brain to put into his monster. As you can imagine, hilarity ensues. Today, we’re once again talking about...


Topics: financial oversight, investments

Do Nonprofit Boards Resist Online Investing?

Posted by Sharon Liebowitz on Sep 12, 2016 10:30:00 AM

Why don’t more nonprofits use online investing tools? Sharon Liebowitz has some ideas. Share yours in the comments.

Over the last few weeks, I was honored to speak at two financial technology conferences in New York. It was great to hear insights and trends from fellow industry leaders and...


Topics: financial oversight, investments

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