Last year was a busy year for the blog. Here are the top six most-viewed posts. Is your favorite on the list?
6. Uncovering the Mystery: The Art and Science of Shared Leadership Emily Davis strikes again! This time she tackles the board-chief executive relationship, with a detailed discussion on the roles of each and suggestions on how they might best work together to fulfill the organization’s mission.
5. How to "Host" a Successful Board Meeting BoardSource’s Natalie Hanlon details the where, when, and how of a successful board meeting, including research on meeting trends, tips for a useful agenda, and more.
4. Leadership of the Board Chair in Creating Board Culture Mindy R. Wertheimer, Ph.D., LCSW, is the author of The Board Chair Handbook and this eight-part list of actionable ways that a board chair can nurture a positive board culture.
3. The F Word and How to Use It Is fundraising a dirty word at your organization? BoardSource Senior Governance Consultant Emily Davis dispels fundraising myths in this detailed and informative blog post.

1. Should Your CEO Serve as a Board Member? In this post, BoardSource’s director of consulting, Jenifer Holland, tackles this controversial question by presenting BoardSource’s stance on it. This was the most popular blog post of the year by a wide margin.
We look forward to providing you with even more informative and provocative discussion in the coming year. Thank you for your readership, thoughtful comments, and general enthusiasm about the BoardSource blog.
What topics would you like to see us discuss in the coming months? Let us know in the comments.