Mindy R. Wertheimer, Ph.D., LCSW

Mindy R. Wertheimer, Ph.D., LCSW
Mindy R. Wertheimer, Ph.D., LCSW is MSW program director and clinical professor, School of Social Work, Georgia State University. She is an affiliated faculty member of the Nonprofit Studies Program in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies and teaches in the Executive Leadership Program for Nonprofit Organizations. Mindy is a nonprofit consultant, specifically focused on board governance issues. She has worked with a range of nonprofits both in Atlanta and nationally in areas such as board restructuring, board orientation and development, board chair mentoring and leadership, and governance responsibilities. She presents nationally on board governance and is the author of The Board Chair Handbook (3rd ed., BoardSource).

Leadership of the Board Chair in Creating Board Culture

Posted by Mindy R. Wertheimer, Ph.D., LCSW on Jun 2, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Are you the next or the new board chair? Thinking about it in your future? Routinely, a new board chair begins to receive advice – and warnings – from others such as “but we have always done it that way,” or “don’t rock the boat” and, on the flip side, “breathe new life into our board” or “board...


Topics: Culture, Board Chair

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