Donald Summers

Donald Summers is the founder of Altruist Partners, a global nonprofit and social enterprise advisory firm that provides strategic, financial, and performance solutions for organizations seeking growth and high impact. A graduate of Middlebury College and Harvard University, Donald is a frequent keynote speaker and author, with scholarship and articles published by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

The 4 Types of Power Players: How They Disrupt Boards and What To Do About Them

Posted by Donald Summers on Sep 20, 2019 2:05:32 PM

As any experienced organizational manager or leader will quickly affirm, getting any group of people to work together smoothly, even on a relatively simple task, can be hard. This is even more true in a boardroom, where tasks are rarely simple, and, ideally, members are coming from diverse...


Topics: Culture

Navigating the Complex Nonprofit Revenue Landscape

Posted by Donald Summers on Jun 5, 2019 4:09:53 PM

In my previous posts on this blog, I have laid out the critical success factors for board members wishing to lead nonprofits that go big and truly deliver substantial social impact. It takes a high-performing team; a culture of courage, risk tolerance, and grit; and a world-class business plan...


Topics: Fundraising

11 Steps to Producing a World-Class, Investment-Grade Business Plan for Your Nonprofit

Posted by Donald Summers on Oct 17, 2018 1:12:47 PM

Eight-Minute Read

Unfortunately, most of the 1.5 million nonprofits in the U.S. live a hard life and struggle just to keep their doors open. Often, staff suffer from low pay, high stress, and burnout; technology is underutilized; and board members and other volunteers are disengaged, misaligned,...


Topics: strategic planning

The 3 Gotta-Haves for Boards Seeking Impact and Scale

Posted by Donald Summers on Jul 18, 2018 12:15:00 PM

An exciting, grand historical evolution of American society is taking place: For-profit and nonprofit domains are converging. Many of the entrepreneurial and organizational practices and frameworks found most frequently in the business world are finding increased adoption in the social sector, just...


Topics: strategic planning, Culture, similarities in for-profits and nonprofits

The For-Profit and Nonprofit Sectors are Converging: What Are the Implications for You?

Posted by Donald Summers on Mar 14, 2018 1:30:00 PM

sec·tor ˈsektər/ noun 1. an area or portion that is distinct from others Writing in 1924, the brilliant British author Virginia Woolf made her now famous observation about rapid changes in human society during the early 20th century:

On or about December 1910, human character changed. I am not...


Topics: Perspectives on Board Service, Mission Impact, New Trends & Resources, Current Events

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