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Metrics That Matter: Is Your Board Tracking the Right Things?

Posted by Irv Katz on Apr 18, 2018 2:00:00 PM

Balanced scorecards, dashboards, strategic plan reports, even routine financial and activity reports: They range from basic to varying degrees of sophistication relative to accountability, management, and governance. “Metrics” is the prevailing mantra, but do the metrics that are routinely tracked...


Topics: Board Best Practices, Mission Impact, oversight, financial oversight

The For-Profit and Nonprofit Sectors are Converging: What Are the Implications for You?

Posted by Donald Summers on Mar 14, 2018 1:30:00 PM

sec·tor ˈsektər/ noun 1. an area or portion that is distinct from others Writing in 1924, the brilliant British author Virginia Woolf made her now famous observation about rapid changes in human society during the early 20th century:

On or about December 1910, human character changed. I am not...


Topics: Perspectives on Board Service, Mission Impact, New Trends & Resources, Current Events

Missions, Mergers, and Love

Posted by Jean Butzen on Nov 16, 2016 10:54:01 AM

Last month, a group of Chicago area institutions led by Mission + Strategy Consulting released a new study on nonprofit merger strategies focusing on the Chicago Metropolitan area and assessing how mergers can be an integral part of planning for nonprofits and funders alike. This first-ever study...


Topics: Mission Impact, Mergers

Got Vizzies? 10 tips for nonprofit chief executives considering the dynamic visualization corner of the “Big Data” world.

Like many nonprofits, BoardSource strives to keep up with the rapidly-evolving world of Big Data, both to increase our own data-based decision-making for continuous improvement internally and to deliver more value to our external community. Recently, this ongoing process has resulted in me becoming...


Topics: Data Visualization, Dashboard, Mission Impact

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