Irv Katz

Irv Katz is best known as the long-time CEO of the National Human Services Assembly (NHSA) and its subsidiary, PurchasingPoint. Prior to his tenure with NHSA, he served more than 20 years in the United Way movement, including several years as VP, Community Impact at United Way of America. Prior to his transition to a post-retirement "Encore" career, Irv was recognized for more than a decade as one of the Nonprofit Times' "Power & Influence 50." Irv currently serves as senior fellow at Generations United and as a faculty advisor to doctoral candidates in the University of Southern California (USC) School of Social Work.

Metrics That Matter: Is Your Board Tracking the Right Things?

Posted by Irv Katz on Apr 18, 2018 2:00:00 PM

Balanced scorecards, dashboards, strategic plan reports, even routine financial and activity reports: They range from basic to varying degrees of sophistication relative to accountability, management, and governance. “Metrics” is the prevailing mantra, but do the metrics that are routinely tracked...


Topics: Board Best Practices, Mission Impact, oversight, financial oversight

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