Loretta L. Donovan

Loretta Donovan, president of iAttain, is an executive coach and nonprofit consultant with expertise in leadership excellence. She has advised complex health care, technology, and educational organizations in strategy, change management, and talent development. Previously, Loretta served as the chief learning officer for Health Quest Systems, St. Francis Hospital-The Heart Center, Girl Scouts of the USA, and the March of Dimes. As an adjunct at Columbia University, Teachers College, Loretta introduced courses on generative change to the curriculum. She has been published in the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations, Proceedings of the Academy of Management, and Social Knowledge: Using Social Media to Know What You Know.

Nonprofit Boards Attuned to Innovating Ubiquitously

Posted by Loretta L. Donovan on Oct 10, 2017 2:31:00 PM

This post is one in a series written by nonprofit leaders who are presenting sessions at the 2017 BoardSource Leadership Forum taking place in Seattle next week, October 18-20. We hope you will be joining us there.

I can clearly remember standing in the wings, supporting speakers and awards on...


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