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Sherece Y. West-Scantlebury, Ph.D.

Sherece Y. West-Scantlebury, Ph.D.
Sherece Y. West-Scantlebury is president and CEO of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, a private, independent foundation whose mission is to improve the lives of all Arkansans in three interrelated areas: economic development; education; and economic, racial, and social justice. Involved in philanthropy for 25 years, Sherece served as CEO at the Foundation for Louisiana and as a program associate at the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Her professional career includes nearly 30 years of experience in community development, public policy and advocacy, and public service. In addition to running the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, Sherece is active in a number of nonprofits and philanthropy organizations, and she is a mentor to several nonprofit leaders and young foundation executives. She is also a former member of the BoardSource Board of Directors.

You Can Diversify If You Want To

Posted by Sherece Y. West-Scantlebury, Ph.D. on Mar 6, 2018 2:00:00 PM

This blog post is the second in a series written by foundation leaders in response to a new research report published by BoardSource titled Foundation Board Leadership: A Closer Look at Foundation Board Responses to Leading with Intent 2017. This report is an effort to better understand the...


Topics: Board Diversity & Inclusivity, Leading with Intent, Foundations, Family Foundations

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