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Fundraising Effectiveness: Hunches Aren’t Enough

Posted by Linda Wood on May 10, 2017 2:07:33 PM

Nonprofit board members are reminded again and again to think of our role in terms of the “three Ts” — offering time, treasure, and talent to the organizations we serve. There is no question that nonprofits and society are well served when boards are ably and enthusiastically fulfilling these core...


Topics: Strategic Initiative, Fundraising, Measuring Fundraising Effectiveness

A New Framework for BoardSource’s Leadership

Posted by Anne Wallestad, President & CEO, BoardSource on Jan 29, 2016 8:00:00 AM

This past December marked my seven-year anniversary as a member of BoardSource’s leadership team. I came on board in December of 2008, just after we had adopted a new strategic plan — one that focused us on thinking big about the future of board leadership and governance. It adopted some very lofty...


Topics: BoardSource, Strategic Initiative, Transparency

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