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Cathy A. Trower

Cathy Trower, PhD, is a nonprofit board governance consultant and coach who currently serves as board chair at BoardSource and at Riverwoods Exeter. Previously, she served on the board of three colleges and universities.

5 Barriers to Overcome and Advance Your Board’s DEI Commitment

Posted by Cathy A. Trower on Jun 7, 2022 11:15:00 AM

It is quite common to see nonprofit organizations making visible commitments to diversity, inclusion, and equity. Many nonprofit organizations have DEI statements; some include the words in their missions. Many have DEI as part of their strategic plan. But when it comes to the composition and...


Topics: Board Diversity & Inclusivity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

A Message to My Fellow White Board Chairs

Posted by Cathy A. Trower on Jul 14, 2020 3:03:10 PM

She was a colleague, but more than a colleague; we were friends—work friends, but friends nonetheless.

I admired her from the moment I met her.

I was in my early 30s and in my first administrator post—still a tad naïve and, in hindsight, overly confident without much experience to back it up. She...


Quick & Dirty: Going Virtual Fast & Well

Posted by Cathy A. Trower on Mar 25, 2020 4:20:39 PM

It’s been said to never waste a crisis, and that moment is upon us.  As organizations think through how to do what they do in this pandemic moment, so must boards quickly move from face-to-face to virtual meetings — and many are floundering. Here’s my quick advice for CEOs and board chairs to work...


Topics: COVID-19, Virtual Meetings

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