The critically important role nonprofit boards play in employee health insurance purchasing
moreThe critically important role nonprofit boards play in employee health insurance purchasing
moreTopics: Health Care
If you serve on a nonprofit board, you’ve probably seen those fellow members who look like a deer in the headlights when presented with financial statements. Maybe that’s even you. While everyone is recruited to serve because of a unique skill set, it’s important for all board members to understand...
moreTopics: financial oversight
To infinity and beyond! Isn’t that a great and energizing phrase? Buzz Lightyear would certainly agree, as it’s his mission: To go further, be stronger, and ultimately be successful. Those of us who know the movie Toy Story can relate to his motivations. But we also recognize the many struggles he...
moreTopics: collaboration
One of my favorite questions to ask boards is “If your organization were founded today, what would it look like?” I love it because it leads to the board asking some other very important questions — questions that get to the heart of the organization’s existence:
Topics: joint programming, collaboration, strategic partnerships, merger
President Trump has vowed to repeal the Johnson Amendment, a move that — if successful — would strike down the rules that prevent nonprofit organizations from electioneering.
In 2013, I had the opportunity to serve as a member of the Panel of Nonprofit Sector Representatives for the Commission on...
moreTopics: Current Events
It may appear — due to the fact that we haven’t posted much — that January was a quiet, uneventful month at BoardSource. But nothing could be further from the truth. The first 31 days of 2017 were quite busy, and we are excited about it!
moreTopics: BoardSource, Advocacy, Stand for Your Mission, Fundraising, Measuring Fundraising Effectiveness
Last year was a busy year for the blog. Here are the top six most-viewed posts. Is your favorite on the list?
moreTopics: Best of 2016
Nonprofit leaders seeking to improve relationships with board members can start by focusing on being a good communicator.
What is the significance of good communication?
Whenever I ask audiences what they believe is the most essential element of a successful long-term relationship, they always...
moreWealthEngine provides wealth intelligence solutions to help fundraising, marketing and business development professionals create strategies to extend their reach and build their prospect pipeline. WealthEngine works with nonprofits, hospitals, institutions of higher education, political campaigns,...
moreTopics: Fundraising
In 2000, Mike Noël and consultant Deborah Dortch encouraged the SCAN Health Plan board to engage in peer-to-peer assessment (P2P). In 2014, The SCAN Foundation board began participating in P2P assessments as well. “We are quite proud of what we started,” says Mike. “I’ve served on ten boards and...
moreTopics: Assessment
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