Zach Davis, senior manager, strategic development and partnerships, BoardSource

Zach Davis, senior manager, strategic development and partnerships, BoardSource
Zach Davis Manager, Strategic Development and Partnerships As a manager of strategic development and partnerships at BoardSource, Zach Davis is responsible for BoardSource’s national fundraising strategies and corporate solutions program — a program designed to support companies in their efforts to incorporate nonprofit board service into their broader corporate social responsibility strategies. Zach also contributes to building strategic relationships in support of BoardSource’s sector leadership initiatives, including the Stand for your Mission board advocacy campaign. Prior to joining BoardSource in 2014, Zach managed the corporate fund of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and led corporate, foundation, and government relations for the Alabama Symphony Orchestra. He holds a bachelor’s degree in public management from Millsaps College.

Planning for the Future? Invest in Emerging Leaders

New and diverse perspectives matter—everyone knows that. What isn’t as clear is how to translate intent to incorporate new and diverse perspectives into a strategy for better decision making at the board level. In follow-up to a previous blog post I wrote about the importance of age diversity on...


Topics: Emerging Leaders, Youth Diversity

Why Youth Diversity Matters

Staying relevant in a world that is constantly changing is challenging for many nonprofits. To plan for the future and the risks that come with change, best practices direct boards to be inquisitive, think strategically, and remain relevant and connected to their communities. But how can boards,...


Topics: Board Diversity & Inclusivity, Recruitment, Youth Diversity

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