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A New Chapter in BoardSource's Evolution: A Shift Towards Community

Posted by Monika Kalra Varma, President & CEO, BoardSource on May 30, 2024 11:00:34 AM

Explore BoardSource's new theory of change and shift towards community engagement.


Topics: BoardSource

Considerations of Background Checks for Nonprofit Board Members

Posted by BoardSource on Aug 15, 2023 11:30:00 AM

Criminal background checks are one way for nonprofit organizations to protect themselves, their assets, and the people they serve, but they may not be right for every organization. Ensuring resources is a role of the board, in addition to setting direction for the organization and providing...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities

Reimagining Boards for High Impact - An Introduction and Invitation

Posted by Jane Wei-Skillern, PhD and Marty Kooistra on Nov 9, 2022 2:45:00 PM

At any given moment, nonprofit boards are faced with juggling multiple opposing forces. Boards are excited to charge ahead with the organization's work but at the same time required to continually adapt to change, moved by urgency but hesitant about severely limited capacity, ambitious yet stymied...


Topics: Purpose-Driven Board Leadership

5 Barriers to Overcome and Advance Your Board’s DEI Commitment

Posted by Cathy A. Trower on Jun 7, 2022 11:15:00 AM

It is quite common to see nonprofit organizations making visible commitments to diversity, inclusion, and equity. Many nonprofit organizations have DEI statements; some include the words in their missions. Many have DEI as part of their strategic plan. But when it comes to the composition and...


Topics: Board Diversity & Inclusivity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

When Sunsetting Your Nonprofit is the Hardest (and Best) Option

Posted by Kristina Gawrgy, Monisha Kapila, Angela Romans on Jun 1, 2022 11:05:08 AM

If there is a lesson from the last several years, it is that we have to look inward before we do anything else. Between the pandemic, the “Great Resignation,” political division, and heightened awareness of the ways racism and oppression has shaped everything we do in the nonprofit sector, we have...


Lessons From a Cross-Racial Team About Building Belonging

Posted by Christal M. Cherry & Dr. Renee Rubin Ross on Apr 27, 2022 11:00:00 AM

As nonprofit consultants, we’ve found the need for board guidance and support with regards to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) has been steadily growing over the years. When it comes to this important work, we know that just diversity, or recruiting board members from different...


Topics: Board Diversity & Inclusivity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

It’s Time to Heal

Posted by Jim Taylor on Jan 18, 2022 11:00:35 AM

“Time heals all wounds” is one of the most widely known and generally accepted expressions in our popular culture, but I’ve always felt that this statement – although not false – was incomplete, at best. I believe that time is necessary but not sufficient for healing. Time facilitates the healing...


Topics: Board Diversity & Inclusivity, Recruitment, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

Nonprofits’ Role in Indian Boarding Schools: An Opportunity to Tell the Truth and Heal

In May, the world looked on in horror as a mass grave of 215 children’s remains was located using ground-penetrating radar at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, Canada. It was this circumstance that caused many people to learn about the institution of Indian residential...


Topics: Advocacy

Moving from Voice to Power

Posted by Melinda Tuan on Oct 12, 2021 11:34:46 AM

“The recognition that organizational power and voice must be authorized by those impacted by the organization’s work.”

These words come from BoardSource’s new way of framing the role of nonprofit governing boards. And they resonate profoundly with me and my colleagues at Fund for Shared Insight, a...


Topics: Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, Purpose-Driven Board Leadership

Purpose-Driven Leadership - Lessons from GEO's Racial Equity Journey

Posted by Marcus Walton on Sep 27, 2021 11:00:00 AM

Leadership within the social sector today is as challenging as ever. As a generation of long-tenured executives steadily matriculate out of institutional leadership roles, staff, boards and representatives from all facets of social sector organizations – as well as the communities we care most...


Topics: Purpose-Driven Board Leadership

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