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Considerations of Background Checks for Nonprofit Board Members

Posted by BoardSource on Aug 15, 2023 11:30:00 AM

Criminal background checks are one way for nonprofit organizations to protect themselves, their assets, and the people they serve, but they may not be right for every organization. Ensuring resources is a role of the board, in addition to setting direction for the organization and providing...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities

Governing in and through a Pandemic

Posted by Cathy A. Trower and Peter D. Eckel on Oct 27, 2020 11:15:00 AM

Adapted from article which appeared in AGB, Trusteeship, (28) 5, Sept-Oct 2020

Boards find themselves facing a host of challenges as they work to fulfill their fiduciary roles in the pandemic. But the challenges of the pandemic may provide opportunities to evolve governance in ways beneficial for...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities, COVID-19, Virtual Meetings

Fundraising Compliance: What Every Board Member Should Know

Posted by Sharon Cody on Feb 5, 2020 1:27:32 PM

Whether you’re a new board member or a seasoned officer, part of your board’s collective duty is to ensure your nonprofit’s legal compliance. If you are reading this, you’re probably far enough in your nonprofit journey to understand your board’s obligation to ensure your organization completes...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities, oversight, Fundraising

Nonprofit Board Trends and Practices Revealed in Leading with Intent 2017

Posted by Vernetta Walker Chief Governance Officer, BoardSource on Sep 6, 2017 11:45:31 AM

Today marks the ninth release of BoardSource’s biennial study, Leading with Intent: A National Index of Nonprofit Board Practices. Formerly known as the Nonprofit Governance Index, Leading with Intent takes an in-depth look at the current practices and trends of nonprofit boards. The 2017 report...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities, Board Best Practices, Board Diversity & Inclusivity, The Board’s Role in Advocacy, Leading with Intent, Advocacy, Assessment

Learning, Knowing, Doing

Posted by Katha Kissman on Jun 20, 2017 1:48:24 PM

Remember when you were young and heard an older person say, “Oh I wish I knew then what I know now?” Now that I’m older, I understand and find myself thinking the same thing!  

I started down this path of thought as I was offering my niece (a Michigan State University senior) some tips on how to...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities, Orientation & Education

“It Really Matters Who’s In Charge”

Posted by Jermaine Smith on Jan 21, 2016 3:00:00 PM

“It really matters who’s in charge.” James Carville spoke these words at the 2015 BoardSource Leadership Forum (BLF), held last November in New Orleans. I attended the conference as a Judith O’Connor Scholar. Even though it’s been several months since the conference took place, I cannot shake the...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities, BoardSource Leadership Forum

Is This Part of Our Job?

Posted by Susan Schaefer and Bob Wittig on Jan 13, 2016 11:43:16 AM

One of the most debated topics around board service is figuring out who does what. And no wonder. Discussions of roles do not tend to be part of board orientation. Or the annual board retreat. Or group training sessions.

The assumption is that new members will pick up cues that will frame the... more

Topics: Roles and Responsibilities

Five Ways to Be a Model Board Member

Posted by Karen Eber Davis on Sep 2, 2014 1:03:47 PM

This post is one in a series written by board leaders who will be presenting sessions at the 2014 BoardSource Leadership Forum on October 9 & 10 in Washington, D.C. We hope you will be joining us.

Last summer, Ilene Denton, the incoming board chair at The Hermitage Artist Retreat on Manasota Key...


Topics: Roles and Responsibilities

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